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Disability and Romance - Tadiwa K.

Disability and Romance
Disability and Romance
Tadiwa K.
Tadiwa K.

The artifact I chose shows a woman with a disability in a relationship with a man. This shows how a person with a disability they continue to be oppressed by social media as well other individuals when it comes to their sexuality and romantic relationships. Eisen, (2020) states there are unique challenges, with regard to sexuality and physical disability.


I chose this artifact because it helped me shape and gain knowledge through the subject disability and sexuality which includes the different types of frameworks, sexual orientation, sexuality, and how people with a disability are at a disadvantage as they don’t get taught about sex as well as sexuality. The artifact I chose shows how a woman with a physical disability deserves to be loved in a physical way as well as, deserves intimacy with a partner, she also has the right to marry, date, and have children. According to the World Association of Sexual Health (WAS), sexuality is defined as being a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being related to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction, or infirmity. As well as requiring a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence.


Choosing this artifact really sits with me as I have a passion for supporting people with a disability being a support worker I will come across this topic in my future. Being a disability support worker and having a Christian background I will have my challenges in the future. However, I have had issues in the past when it comes to openly discussing sex, especially in public. While learning about disability and sexuality I realised I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. Now gaining this I can now say I am able to talk about this to my clients if they have any issues they can openly speak to me and I can try my best to guide them in a positive and respectful manner. As I progress in my career path I can say for sure that my clients needs will be put before mine and before my culture and my beliefs. It is important for me as a support worker to also ask questions if I am uncertain on how my clients needs are to be met.


This project was definitely a challenge as it opened my eyes more and challenged me to be more positive. As well as helping me have a better understanding of people who are vulnerable as well as having a physical and intellectual disability and how they have not only been excluded form exploring their sexuality but have also not have the proper education. After watching the Netflix movie Crip camp it has really opened my eyes in how people with a disability were treated as well as the obstacles they have to go past as they just wanted their voices head and for their civil rights to see recognised. In todays generation it still hurts to see how people with a disability still aren’t having their rights accounted for as they still suffer when it comes to relationships, marriage, having children even their sexuality

Wish List:

My wish is that this artifact has and will inspire everyone in society to be more sex positive, and to please stop sexual discriminating people who lie with a disability but help them become more comfortable with who they are. People living with a disability deserve to be sexual no matter what their disability is or their sexuality. They also have the right to be treated with respect and treated the same as everyone else. Being a support worker it would be amazing to see sex education being taught to people living with a disability as well as seeing society change their ways. Disability and sex needs to be spoken about more as were living in a society where people with a disability want and need to be loved and as well as being able to be intimate with their partners without being embarrassed. In my profession as a support worker I have not seen how to support or talk to clients when it comes to their sexual needs or how I can appropriately approach this situation. There is also a lack of information on how my clients can use sex toys with their partners without being judged. Looking back on the image I do wonder if the couple have had any education on how they can pleasure each other with or without sex toys.


O’Shea, A., Frawley, P., Leahy, J.W. et al. A Critical Appraisal of Sexuality and Relationships Programs for People with Acquired Brain Injury. Sex Disabil 38, 57–83 (2020). https://doi-org.ezproxy.uws.edu.au/10.1007/s11195-020-09616-5

Shuttleworth, R., & Mona, L. (Eds.). (2020). The Routledge Handbook of Disability and Sexuality (1st ed.). Routledge. https://doi-org.ezproxy.uws.edu.au/10.4324/9780429489570

The World Association for Sexual Health (WAS): Sexual Health and Rights (2024) https://www.worldsexualhealth.net/

Home » Teaching » Cripping Sexuality Gallery 2024 » Disability and Romance – Tadiwa K.


  • From your artifact and accompanying written piece, there is a clear growth in your understanding in the intersection between sexuality and disability. For example, you indicate it that early in the semester there were still uncomfortable feelings when discussing the topic of sexuality and disability. Through this project, however, you have embraced the topic more. For example, your learning curve has been verbalized by your analysis made regarding the oppression that disabled people face in romantic relationships. Hopefully you can take this on board in future interactions with clients by empathically supporting them. When personal beliefs take a back seat, clients’ needs can be a priority.

  • Disability and romance intersect in complex and nuanced ways. People with disabilities can experience love and desire just like anyone else, but societal perceptions often create barriers. Your articaft shows that Ultimately, love knows no bounds, and embracing diversity in romance enriches all our experiences.
    Thank you!

  • Your artifact of the woman with a disability in a romantic relationship sends a strong message of recognizing the sexual rights of people with disabilities. Indeed, such a project places one at a better understanding of those issues which make life difficult for people with disabilities to express themselves sexually or in intimate relationships. I find it particularly insightful how you reflect on this learning experience, making it more open to discussing these topics and better prepared to support your clients as a disability support worker. It is great to see that this artifact has not only expanded your knowledge but also professionally and personally challenged you in approaching the topic of disability and sexuality.


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